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It's been a minute

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

I have no clue what happened to October or November, or even half of December. I didn't eat a poison apple and fall into a weird coma thingy, but time just flew. Possibly it was that dramatic American election, or the Canada Post strike which had the office in an uproar (and still does). But to summarize, here are some pics. Oh, and if you're waiting on new Amaranth originals, I'm hoping to release a few in January. Shipping right now is a nightmare with the strike.

Halloween 2024
Halloween 2024

I made this. There's no excuse.
I made this. There's no excuse.

The Mordella Room continues to take shape.
The Mordella Room continues to take shape.

I seriously crafted for the Janet Hill Studio office Christmas Party held at our Stratford cottage.  Essentially, I created a fire trap. Then there was a real fire during the party.  Lesson: don't leave candles burning in wooden candlesticks.  You're really asking for it if you do.
I seriously crafted for the Janet Hill Studio office Christmas Party held at our Stratford cottage. Essentially, I created a fire trap. Then there was a real fire during the party. Lesson: don't leave candles burning in wooden candlesticks. You're really asking for it if you do.


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